We’ve been teaching Alexa for several months now, “The tomb is open, Jesus is alive!” On a Monday after a week’s vacation . . . that’s a huge pick-me-up! For a believer, this Truth is the bedrock of our salvation, our hope, our purpose. For me personally – my reason to get up. I have to admit, reality is setting back in and it felt heavy as my alarm sounded this morning. Chris and I arrived home from Charleston late Thursday. Chris’ parents flew back to California Saturday. Alexa has been adjusting to life with Mommy & Daddy (let’s just say there’s a bit of separation anxiety), and today is the first day of “the ol’ routine.”
I’m so thankful Easter was smack dab in the middle of our getaway to Charleston and heading into the work week. Singing the words, “Christ the Lord is risen today – Alleluia!” was the perfect ending to several weeks of busyness, sickness, travels and “out of routineness.” Thank you Lord for sending your Son! Thank you for your perfect plan to save wicked men from their sins at a great cost to you and your Son. Thank you for imputing your righteousness into my life so I can stand forgiven, look more like you, and someday, be with your forever. A-lle-luia!
Here’s a glimpse of Easter with my sister’s family in Edmond. Pics from Ama’s & Opa’s time with Lil’ A and adventures in Charleston to come. I’m facing reality one blog entry at a time (wink, wink) . . .
I remember the day both Rylen and Layton would smile for the camera. It was a big day. Then, Lil’ A hits the scene. Um yes, I do believe this is Alexa’s “happy” face.
Lil’ A’s definitely digging the bunny ears. She’s a sucker for her reflection.
Two sweet gals. Now . . . this looks a lot more like her happy face.
Alexa dyes Easter eggs for the first time with Aunt Hol and Rylen.
A big CHEESE with Aunt Hol. Thank you for helping me with the colorful eggs.
Alexa also enjoyed painting Easter eggs (and the plate too). It is great to know she enjoys painting so much. Mommy has several bottles of paint around the house.
I love that look – pure concentration.
Almost finished . . .
Taking a break on the trampoline.
Not taking a break on the trampoline.
Layton taught Alexa how to land on her knees. She loved knee-flopping.
Layton hooping it up against his dad. When I was snapping pictures, Layton asked me if the pics were for my “family computer thing.” Here you go, Layton!
Mark shows off his dunking “skeels.” Hey Mark, couldn’t you do a double-handed reverse dunk off of one foot in college? Yes . . . that’s our man. He’s still got it.
Looks like mad dunks might run in the family. Are you ready, Lil’ A?
A belated blessed Easter to each one of you!! I pray your hope is placed securely in the hope of Christ Jesus. Indeed, the tomb is open, Jesus is alive!
”But the men said to them, ‘Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; He is risen!” Luke 24:5-6
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