Alexa Hope with her “Dada” and “Pop Pop.”
It was a special Father’s Day with my Dad coming up to the OKC metro to participate in the Oklahoma Baptist Children’s Home Bike Ride as well as to spend some time with his family. Unfortunately, Mom was working at a workshop in Dallas so she was unable to join us. Upon Dad’s arrival, Alexa immediately connected with him. We were all shocked as it takes a bit of time for her to warm up to anyone besides Mommy and Daddy. However, when Pop walked in the door, we were history. She snuggled with him that evening and even wanted him to put her to bed (a first). She was definitely Pop’s girl through the weekend and she loved saying his name – Pop Pop.
After riding 44 miles on Saturday, Dad spent the afternoon with our family as well as with Holly’s (minus Mark who was at a bball camp). Alexa LOVED being with her Pop Pop and playing with her cousins Ry Ry (Rylen) and Layton (she hasn’t gotten his name down yet). Rylen and Layton joined her in her little swimming pool. Alexa will pretty much do anything her cousins do. We also enjoyed a lovely Sunday at church and joined Holly’s family once again for lunch. Then . . . we all took naps. How glorious!!
Pop with his grandkids – Layton (8 yrs), Alexa (15 mos old) & Rylen (10 1/2 yrs). Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get a photo of Chris with Alexa or Holly and I with Dad.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention how grateful I am for both my Dad as well as my hubby (who is also a wonderful Daddy too). I consider it such a blessing to have not only one but two incredible men in my life. One man who led me until I was 27 years old and one who is in charge of leading me now (good luck, right!?). Both of their greatest attributes are their walks with the Lord and their love for His Word. They are men of faith, humility, integrity, service and strength with a deep devotion to the Heavenly Father and their families. They are highly respected by their families and their peers. Oh . . . and they also have quite a sense of humor. I love and respect them deeply and thank God for His sovereignty in placing them in my life.
Happy Father’s Day!! And, a very happy Father’s Day to my father-in-law, Charlie, who is also a tremendous man of God. I suppose I have three men in my life, don’t I?
of course she loves your dad! and rylen and layton are such mini-me's of mark and Holly! so cute!