A week ago yesterday, our family returned from a rest-filled retreat at Grandma Rachel’s in southwest Colorado. It was the perfect escape from the Oklahoma heat and a wonderful excuse for Alexa to visit her Great Gram K and Ama & Opa (Chris’ parents). We arrived to quite a bit of excitement as Grandma Rachel’s appendix had ruptured two days prior to our visit. Our first stop from the airport was the hospital to see Grandma. She was doing well and was all the buzz in the hospital as the doc’s oldest appendectomy at 91 years young (plus all the friends who paid her a visit). She was quite a popular patient. Rachel’s amazing (which is why she can live alone on the side of a mountain over half of the year). After four days in the hospital she was released to come home. A week after the surgery you would have never known it had happened. We were all amazed by her tremendous recovery and we thank the Lord for His hand on her life and her healing.
Here’s a brief intro to the special people and the special place we love to visit.
Alexa Hope with her Great Gram K or as she called her “K.”
It may not be Camelot, but here are four generations of Kennedys: Opa (Charlie), Grandma Rachel, Alexa Hope and Daddy (Chris).
Alexa loves her Ama & Opa.
This is a glimpse of Grandma’s place. And yes, this is my idea of “roughing it.” I love to play outside but I equally love the idea of a shower, a bed, and a room with a view . . . an amazing view! This is the wilderness experience I have grown to love.
One of the many flower beds you can view overlooking Grandma’s deck.
Cimarron Ridge (in background). The view we enjoy from Grandma’s place.
This post has lots of pics (and just imagine I actually weeded out the best ones) so I’ve broken it down into two parts: Alexa in Action and Mommy & Daddy on the Loose. I’ll post an addendum tomorrow with Glimpses of God’s Beauty. Enjoy!
So what does a little 16-mos-old whipper snapper do at Grandma’s you ask?
Enjoying a wilderness walk with Dada.
Smelling Gram K’s peonies and watching a butterfly or as Alexa called it – a “byee.”
Taking a break from her stair climbing expeditions. We all had quads & lungs of steel from trekking the two flights of stairs with her many times a day. She loves ‘em.
Enjoying a morning snack with Ama.
Seeking solace from the mosquitos with Opa (she’s just like Mommy about bugs).
Throwing rocks (or “woks” if you’re Alexa) on an evening walk.
Watching a hail storm roll through the Ridge. Alexa loved the thunder.
Enjoying a delicious breakfast on the deck with the family.What a glorious morning!!
Reading a story with Opa.
Waiting to pop one of Opa’s “bubos.” She loved chasing the bubbles.
Getting tickled by Dada.
And, finally getting the bug spray washed off at night.
I think for Chris and me, one of the biggest reasons we love CO is so we can go hiking together. We were able to enjoy three hikes and we managed to survive despite the wild mosquitos and flies trying to eat us up. We even revisited “Engagement Meadow.” The place Chris proposed to me six years ago on September 10th. Here’s a comparison of the engagement pic and today. I think Chris got younger and I aged.
The actual engagement on September 10, 2005.
Revisiting “Engagement Meadow” almost six years later.
Hiking up to Cowpuncher Lake.
Resting on a rock at Hampton Lake. Yes, that’s a mosquito on Chris’ face – they were ravenous this year!
Peek-a-boo . . . I see Chris!
The view from Fish Creek Reservoir! The wildflowers were unbelievable.
Evidence of a glorious hike. Chris actually pulled a caterpillar out of his hiking boots.
More pics coming your way tomorrow.
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