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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A lil' update

"The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy." Psalm 126:3


Just two "hotties" living it up on chemo day. Now that my hair is gone, I sort of laugh at all the folks I see wearing wigs during my chemo time. I'm like, "Who are trying to impress here!? We aren't fooling anyone." Of course, those folks are probably used to wearing the equivalent of a small pet on their head. I just haven't adjusted to the warmth and itchiness, and I suppose I prefer dealing with sympathetic looks because of my shaved head then wondering if a hair I can't feel is out of place. Call me the eternal control freak. It's just a strange sensation, but I'm sure I'll adjust to wearing a wig as it feels more natural. And you better bet I wear that baby out when I need to feel a bit more incognito.

Not-so-funny-story on chemo day, the guy who took my bloodwork (a guy who is getting to know me pretty well these days) actually asked me if Brooke were my daughter. After my deep belly laugh (because I totally thought he was joking), I said, "No, my daughter is three." Then, he proceeded to ask, "So, is she (meaning Brooke) your older daughter?" I mean, really!? So, I guess when I shaved my head I aged like twenty-five years. Maybe those chemo patients wearing wigs know something I don't. Maybe that is the way to go. At the very least, if I do decide to go out bald, I should at least be asking for the senior discount the next time I eat at Furrs Buffet. A word of wisdom to men . . . when in doubt about age, DON'T say anything. And, especially don't ask if the gal has just shaved her head and is going in for a chemo treatment. That's just cruel and unusual. However, we got a great laugh out of it. I mean, a great laugh out of it - several times that day.

Alright, back to business. I just wanted to send my faithful prayer warriors an exciting update. I am officially five days out of my tougher cycle of chemo and feeling good - so, so much better than the last go 'round. Sad to say, I have been hesitant to write an update just waiting for the ball to drop, but it hasn't. Well, for the most part. I actually wrote this last night and ended up not sleeping from 1-6am, so maybe a small ball dropped. The biggest issue continues to be fatigue. I'm just a tired girl most of the day - ridiculously and pathetically tired. Oh how I yearn for that energy to come back. However, my nausea has been minimal, except for at night. If I do experience anything, I pop a pill. The body and bone aches from the Neulasta shot (which increases my bone marrow post-chemo) have started to subside. If I can convince this stiff rubberband body of mine to stretch, the discomfort decreases as well. And, my appetite has been surprisingly strong. I have been able to eat just about anything that sounds good (regardless of how it actually tastes in my mouth - always a surprise).

Perhaps, the most exciting news is that I've gone to bed three nights without ANY narcotics. In fact, the first night following chemo, I remember waking up around 3am (a normal wake time for me) and thinking, "My arm isn't throbbing and this isn't a dream." It was surreal. It was beautifully surreal. I am taking some supplements that are supposed to increase the effectiveness of the chemo while limiting the side effects. I think those supplements along with the prayers of so many are working. Thank you!! I have a dear friend who was led to fast for me on Mondays, and I just want to tell you, sweet friend, thank you - it was an encouraging day.

I am so thankful for these moments of feeling more normal. I cherish them because I know more moments of not-feeling-so-normal will come again. I am especially thankful because yesterday we were supposed to fly to FL with Chris for a family vacation. He had a business trip and then we were going to surprise Alexa with a trip to Disney World. Of course, Daddy still had to go, but I guess that vacation will be put on hold until this gal can go without a wig (or cancer for that matter) and be a more convincing Mama of a cute lil' girl instead of her best friend. That will be a great day, won't it?

Thank you again for your continued prayers for total healing, for the chemo to do its job, and for the sweet days of grace I have been privileged to experience since this last round of chemo. They have encouraged my heart. If you would, please continue lifting up my sleep. It seems elusive anymore. I often wonder if I am already dependent on narcotics. I definitely don't want that to be the case, but I also don't want to have to use another type of sleep aid to actually rest. I am praying it is just some random chemo side effect. If I could run those stadium stairs again, I'm confident sleep would come. I'm just not there yet. Also, the unsightly sores on my neck have made another appearance. I am hoping to get a solution on how to make them disappear when we go to MDA this weekend. 

Thank you again for holding the ropes for me and my family. 


  1. Paul and I continue to lift you guys up in prayer. So glad to hear that you have been feeling a bit better, but know how hard it is to function with limited sleep. Paul is at a point in his parkinsons where he has to have meds every 2 hours even at night and sleep is an elusive thing in our home. Praying that you will gain strength and feel better as the treatments continue and that most of all you would be completely healed.
    Paul & Susan Zeeb

  2. Kelsey, You are so amazing! We continue to pray for you through this journey. You are doing the hard part, we just pray and pray. Keep your strength up. God bless you. You are beautiful!
    Judy V.

  3. So happy things are looking up! Praising God that you have not had pain!

  4. Hi Kelsey, I laughed so hard at your post. Imagine someone thinking Brooke was your daughter! I'm so glad you have had some somewhat 'normal' days lately. Maybe, just maybe, the worst is over! At least I know you know you can get up every morning with hope in your heart, knowing God has everything you need to rise above the challenges of each day. Your two most outstanding physical features to me have always been your eyes and your smile...and no amount of chemo can change that! But the features that are so stunning are not on the outside, but rather on the inside. You are a strong, courageous, humble woman of God who has allowed the Holy Soirit to shine through all your trials and heartaches. I pray God grants all your prayers... for they are from the heart. I'm praying for you and your family, Kels. You have been an inspiration to all of us. God bless! Sharon

  5. Well, I think the next time that man gets close to you, maybe a swift kick in the shins would be appropriate! He must have eye issues. I'm so excited to read the Lord is graciously answering our prayers. will continue to lift you up.
