Yep . . . we are pretty passionate about life (and the fact life begins at conception). You’ll be hearing lots more from me about it in the days to come because life is valuable. I have been convicted for the last several months I need to be more vocal about my stance. I need to be more literate on the subject so I can share why I believe life begins at conception and why every life is valuable (wanted or not, healthy or with defects). I need to pray more and fight harder. And, I need to share this conviction with the world around me. Why? God creates life. He values life and MILLIONS of lives are being lost every year to a genocide in the womb.
The Psalmist says, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body.” Psalm 139:13-16
So, we want to encourage all of our readers to not only choose life but to also fight for life with us. This is a spiritual battle the Enemy is desperately trying to win. His lies are convincing and his deception is thick. As followers of Christ, we must stand for Truth. We must stand up and speak out for life.
I’ve included three ways you can begin making a difference right now. Tomorrow, I’ll include a few ways our family is trying to make a difference in our community. We desire to live out what we believe. Join us!
1. If you’re an Oklahoma voter, sign the Personhood Amendment petition. You can read about and sign it at the link below. We need signatures to get this on the ballot to proclaim that life begins at conception. Spread the news to your friends, family and churches, but most importantly, sign the petition!
2. Join the Abolitionist Society of Oklahoma or an abolitionist society in your state. The goal of this society is to eradicate abortion by being “salt and light” in our communities – to fight for life and live out the Gospel while doing so. To learn more, you can check them out on Facebook or their blog.
3. Support pro-life movies . . . go see “October Baby” this weekend! Other great movies include “Rescued” (check out my post on Feb. 22), “180,” and “Bella.” Here’s the trailer for “October Baby.”
Let’s fight for life together!
We were just talking about this the other it seems like Christians have just kinda given up on standing up for life. Can't wait to see October Baby -have heard great things about that movie!