This weekend, Alexa participated in a “Life is Beautiful” photo shoot at Il Dolce (a delicious local gelateria). The owners put it together for an event April 14 to raise awareness for life. It was a before & after shoot in that they ask us to bring our child’s ultrasound pic and then they took a pic of each child devouring his/her gelato. The motto will be something like, “Every child should have the chance to eat gelato.”
So, it might look something like this . . .
Although I do believe the image below looks more like her ultrasound pic – crazy, huh? The only problem is I inadvertently focused on the gelato and not her.
Another event we recently attended was an “Adoption not Abortion” breakfast to raise funds for two adoptive families as well as participate in a picture campaign to promote the Personhood Amendment. This was in reaction to several images posted by anti-personhood supporters stating messages about “choice” and not wanting government to invade their reproductive parts. Here’s our pic . . .
It says, “Don’t tell us our miscarried children aren’t people.” Alexa was sad in the pic.
Here is another video from the event . . .
-- Support your local pregnancy wellness center – ours is the Eden Clinic. They graciously accept donations and volunteers. I just attended their spring banquet and they ARE making a difference!
-- We’ll soon be going through our house to pack up goodies to donate to the “Yard Sale to Help Heroic Women” (May 19th at Berry Road Baptist Church). This yard sale gives all of its proceeds to women who choose life for their baby. And yes, the Gospel is shared in love as well. If you want to donate, let me know.
-- PRAY! Some of my friends pray once a week next to the local abortion clinic. Gulp . . . I have honestly avoided this one because it seems so hard to me. I have lost two babies I desperately wanted. It breaks my heart to watch women purposefully walk into a building of death. Not only will a child be murdered but I know the emotional, physical damage the woman will face because of her choice. It will haunt her the rest of her life. So . . . we’ll see if I can get myself together enough to do this. Babysitter, anyone?
-- Adopt . . . We are surrounded by adoptive families and it has changed my life. To see the Gospel lived out through adoption is something to behold and it brings tears to my eyes. It humbles me.
Who knows what the Lord has in store for the Kennedy crew? We simply want to be obedient where God has called us, to be stewards of His grace, to proclaim that life is beautiful – in the womb and out!