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Monday, August 26, 2013

Sleeping beauty


I was chatting with my sweet grandmother-in-love the other day and she was curious where all the pics of her great-granddaughter went. Of course, she was joking but images of Alexa Hope have been elusive since my diagnosis. I’m so pathetic, I haven’t even posted her 3rd birthday pics and that happened in mid-March. So, I will definitely do my best to keep my family better updated on the ins and outs of our everyday lives with more images of the people who give me a reason to fight each and every day.

Of course, a great deal of my time over the past months has been horizontal. These are the perfect moments for me to capture images of Lil’ A – mostly because she isn’t moving and Mommy is still learning how to use her camera with a gimp right-hand. Other images are of Alexa sleeping (or pretending to sleep) throughout the many adventures of her day and/or road trips to MD Anderson. Don’t let her fool ya. She won’t take a nap for Mommy anymore. All the more reason to relish these rare moments of solitude when they do happen. I have to admit, there isn’t anything more priceless than staring at my “good and perfect” gift from the Father with a deep, deep sense of gratitude. Alexa Hope was the beautiful answer to our many prayers for a child. I’ll never grow weary of holding her in my arms and cherishing her precious life.

Enjoy Gigi . . . more image with A’s eyes open on the way!

I actually woke Chris up the first time I attempted this photo, so I told him to pretend he was sleeping – not too convincing, huh?








  1. She looks more and more like you, Kelsey. I see it now. She'll grow up to be a tall and beautiful woman. Does she look like you did as a young girl, I wonder?

  2. She is so beautiful, just like her momma! Love you friend!

  3. Love these pics! She is so beautiful and we can see those looooooong eyelashes :)Some of these pics are also hilarious! I love the one of her sleeping on the floor and then the one with her legs crossed on the bed. Kids are so funny!

  4. Beautiful! God's gift indeed. God bless you all.
    Judy V.

  5. Kelsey,

    Alexa is absolutely precious. Nothing like the sweetness of a sleeping child. I'm looking forward to watching our girls in gymnastics.

    Courtney Green
